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Estimating population of persons living with a disability for small areas

Quantify Strategic Insights recently provided small area estimates of the population living with a disability for a Victorian City Council to assist with the development of its inclusiveness strategy. Quantify’s estimates were based on a model that was drawn from Census data, the Australian Bureau of Statistics Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers, and the […]

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Migration to the regions increasing

After subsiding in the immediate post-COVID aftermath, the level of net internal migration to the regions re-accelerated in the twelve months to March 2024. The Australian Bureau of Statistics reports that net internal migration inflows outside of Australia’s capital cities increased by 24%, from 25,140 in the year to March 2023, to 31,190 in the […]

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Plan for Victoria Submission

Quantify Strategic Insights and Oliver Hume, recently joined forces to prepare a submission to the Victorian Government’s ‘Plan for Victoria’.   Download report here: Plan for Victoria Submission Combining a wealth of experience and deep expertise in greenfield markets, population and demographic analysis, urban development, property research and strategic planning, the submission underscores the urgency of […]

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Household sizes on the rise as affordability challenges bite

Understanding trends in household formation is important to understanding how population growth translates to housing occupancy and new dwelling demand. The COVID-lockdown period and immediate aftermath saw big changes in living situations in Victoria that are now steadily unwinding. Growth in the population living in group households, as related individuals (typically siblings), and as non-dependent […]

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Does it pay to get a degree?

Does it pay to get a degree? If we only take home ownership as soon as possible as the desired outcome, there is almost no difference whether you work in a trade or have a degree as a young adult, with almost half of 30-34 year olds of each being recorded as owner occupiers at […]

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In Praise of Sprawl

Urban growth restrictions are the real reason housing is too scarce and too dear, writes Rob Burgess in the IPA Review To see the article, click on the link below. In Praise of Sprawl – IPA Review  

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Quantify in the News

To see what Quantify’s Angie Zigomanis says about deteriorating affordability as reported in this Domain article, click on the link below. How high interest rates nipped a housing market ‘supernova’ in the bud (   To find out more please feel free to contact Angie Zigomanis at or Rob Burgess at  

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Student Accommodation vs Rental Growth

Correlation is not necessarily causation, but… Rental growth in capital city rental markets since international borders re-opened in December 2021 has been inversely related to their provision of Purpose-Built Student Accommodation (PBSA) beds relative to international students. That is, those with the lowest provision, such as Sydney and Perth, have experienced the largest increases in […]

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