
Plan for Victoria Submission


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Quantify Strategic Insights and Oliver Hume, recently joined forces to prepare a submission to the Victorian Government’s ‘Plan for Victoria’.  

Download report here: Plan for Victoria Submission

Combining a wealth of experience and deep expertise in greenfield markets, population and demographic analysis, urban development, property research and strategic planning, the submission underscores the urgency of ensuring an adequate, ongoing supply of greenfield land to meet the escalating demand for affordable housing, driven by population growth and shifting demographic trends.

Melbourne’s housing market is at a crossroads. With the city’s population projected to expand significantly in the coming years—largely fuelled by overseas migration—the demand for new dwellings, particularly family-oriented housing, is set to soar. However, the current constraints to delivering greenfield land supply pose a significant threat to Melbourne’s ability to accommodate this demand.

Without sufficient greenfield land, Melbourne risks replicating the challenges faced by Greater Sydney, where limited land supply has led to skyrocketing house prices, reduced affordability, and a shortage of new homes. The Victorian Government must take proactive steps to ensure that Melbourne does not follow this path.

